Create custom error in Swift

In Swift, you can create a custom error by defining an enumeration that conforms to the Error protocol. Here is an example:

enum CustomError: Error {
    case invalidInput
    case outOfBounds

You can then throw this custom error in a function or method:

func processData(data: Any) throws {
    guard let _ = data as? String else {
        throw CustomError.invalidInput
    // continue with processing...

And handle it in a do-catch block:

do {
    try processData(data: "some data")
} catch CustomError.invalidInput {
    print("Invalid input provided")
} catch {
    print("Other error: \(error)")

You can also use your custom error in a try? or try! statement, but it's recommended to handle it explicitly in a do-catch block.

You can add a message property to the custom error enumeration to include additional information about the error. Here's an example:

enum CustomError: Error {
    case invalidInput(message: String)
    case outOfBounds(message: String)

You can then throw the custom error with a message:

func processData(data: Any) throws {
    guard let _ = data as? String else {
        throw CustomError.invalidInput(message: "Provided data is not a string")
    // continue with processing...

And access the message in the catch block:

do {
    try processData(data: 123)
} catch CustomError.invalidInput(let message) {
    print("Invalid input provided: \(message)")
} catch {
    print("Other error: \(error)")

This will print "Invalid input provided: Provided data is not a string"

You can also add more properties to your error object to store more information.